
By stimulating points throughout the body with very thin needles, our own healing capabilities are activated. Acupuncture is used to prevent illness, to restore and maintain wellness, treat chronic and acute pain and guide us towards a state of internal balance.

Moxibustion is an ancient Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of dried mugwort to facilitate healing and is often used in conjunction with acupuncture. When moxibustion is burned over the acupuncture points, it can reduce pain, increase circulation and aid in maintaining general health.
Chinese Herbology

Herbs and medicinals are used to bring balance to a person’s health. Chinese herbal medicine is the most complete, systematic and comprehensive herbal medicine system and is considered as the primary therapeutic modality of internal Chinese medicine.

In a typical cupping session, a vacuum is created in glass “cups” and then they are placed upside down onto the patient’s skin. When combined with massage oil, the cups can be slid across the back, creating a sort of massage. This helps to stimulate the flow of blood, balances and realigns the flow of qi, breaks up obstructions, and creates an avenue for toxins to be drawn out of the body. Cupping is used to treat upper respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis and congestion and certain types of pain.
Massage and Movement

Kari is trained in Muscle Melting™ which is a highly effective technique for correcting posture and treating pain and muscle spasms. Additionally, an eclectic variety of massage is available, including Cranial Sacral Therapy, Sports massage, Tuina and a blend of Swedish and Esalen styles. Usually, massage is performed as an adjunct to the rest of the treatment. Gentle exercises and stretches may be prescribed within your individual ability to increase strength, flexibility and range of motion and to decrease pain.
Stress Management

Corporate and Small Business Acupuncture Stress Management Treatments
Acupuncture Stress Management Treatments are an opportunity for people to experience stress reduction acupuncture in a relaxed and enjoyable group setting, and can be brought to your preferred location. We are not diagnosing nor treating specific health conditions in this session, which allows us to charge a substantially reduced fee. Whether it is your first time experiencing acupuncture or you are looking for a natural way to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, our on-site stress mangement treatments are a great way to enjoy the calming effects of acupuncture after a long day at work. Your treatment will be in a seated group setting. Treatments will last approximately 25-30 minutes.